Axeing AddictionsAxeing Addictions


“Hi Nicola, I just wanted to update you- its been 6 months now and i’m still off the white stuff (!) I feel like everything has come right in my life since i’ve seen you, my relationship with *** is so much better, i’ve changed job, much fitter, we are looking at moving house now too. The goals focus of your programme made such a difference to every part of my life and now going out and getting on it isn’t the focus of my week. I do still get the urge if i’m out but I now have proper control over it. I know I said that i’ve been through every rehab programme around here but working with you made things click into place the way group work never did for me. Thank you for your endless patience, straight talking and faith in me. (even through my relapses!!).

S, Hornchurch

“Hi Nicola, I hope you and the boys had a lovely Christmas Day and are enjoying the hols so far. Just wanted to let you know that I haven’t eaten any chocolate or drunk any hot chocolate since I saw you last. I’ve not been on a diet, I just haven’t “fancied” any!! Thank you so much, I am so grateful for all your help. Merry Christmas and a happy new year x”

J, Chelmsford

“Hi Nicola, I just wanted to drop you a mail to let you know how different I feel after our session. It’s like night and day and the control I have is astonishing – I feel like someone else! I had a race on Saturday and there was loads of chocolate in the goody bag – I just wasn’t interested and although **** had a few pieces, it really doesn’t bother me that it’s open and in the house.I’m sat in a coffee shop at the moment as I’m early for an interview. For the first time ever, I realised as I sat down, that it didn’t even occur to me to buy a cake to go with the drink. I know that sounds minor but for me it’s just so different, and makes me feel so much more normal.”

R, Brentwood

“Hi Nicola sorry to text you on a Saturday … But thought this was worth a text! Just put a chocolate eclair in my mouth and had to spit it out ?! Just didn’t want it?? YAY xxxxx I’ll let you know how it sticks,Thank you so much!!”

L, Maldon

Hi Nicola, I just wanted to say thank you for all the work that we did together, Its been 9 weeks now and i’m still not using (coke). I was a bit skeptical at the beginning as i’ve been through NA but I really did love the programme. I credit you for saving my marriage and business although dont be sending me a massive bill for saying that haha.  You wont get rid of me that easily though however- looking forward to monthly catchups please. Thank you

C, Chigwell

“Morning Nicola, Hope you are ok. update, the good news is I’m still not smoking, thanks again for that. Happy Christmas”

R, Leigh on Sea