Axeing AddictionsAxeing Addictions

Smoking Addiction


Smoking addiction is actually the dependance on the drug nicotine which when we stop smoking creates two different types of cravings as a result of the withdrawal:

  • The steady and constant background craving for a cigarette.
  • Sudden bursts of intense desire or urge to smoke. These cravings are often triggered by a cue such as having a few drinks, feeling very happy or sad, having an argument, feeling stressed or even having a cup of coffee. These urges to smoke tend to get less frequent over time, but their intensity can remain strong even after many months of quitting.

Symptoms of Smoking Addiction

  • Have you tried different stop smoking methods, but none has worked permanently?
  • Have you found yourself smoking as a way to avoid weight gain?
  • Do you find yourself feeling depressed, hopeless, sad or ashamed about your smoking habit?
  • Do you find yourself smoking when you are upset or reward yourself with a cigarette when you do something good?
  • Do you smoke in SECRET so no one will see you?
  • Do you believe you will never give up and feel guilty at the cost of your habit?
  • Are you already beginning to notice the physical effects of being a smoker?

If any of the above symptoms are familiar to you, it is time to kick that smoking habit!

How I will help you resolve your smoking habit

Book online today.

Price £195

  1. We identify the underlying cause to your smoking habit
  2. I use hypnotherapy to release the cause and modify the ‘triggers’
  3. I help to program your mind with hypnosis to help you overcome your smoking habit and cope with any cravings
  4. You receive tailored coaching support between sessions
  5. You will receive a complementary follow up session

What you will receive:

  • A block 2.5 hr appointment
  • a complementary audio to help re-programme your mind to overcome your addiction
  • SOS text support
  • a confidential email support service

Book your FREE consultation today to get started