Axeing AddictionsAxeing Addictions

Shopping Addiction

shopping_iconShopping Addiction is the compulsive desire to shop, more commonly referred to as compulsive shopping or shopaholism.

Compulsive shopping may be considered an impulse control disorder, an obsessive compulsive disorder, a bipolar disorder, or even a clinical addiction depending on the clinical source.

While initially triggered by a perhaps mild need to feel special and less lonely, the failure of compulsive shopping to actually meet such needs may lead to a vicious cycle of escalation, with sufferers experiencing the highs and lows associated with other addictions. The ‘high’ of the purchasing may be followed by a sense of disappointment, and of guilt, precipitating a further cycle of impulse buying in the quest for a sense of special identity. With the now addicted person increasingly feeling negative emotions like anger and stress, they may attempt to self-medicate through further purchases, followed again by regret or depression once they return home – leading to an urge for yet another spree.


Symptoms of Shopping Addiction

  • Do you think you cannot live without the impulse to shop?
  • Have you tried reducing your sprees without success?
  • Have you found yourself hiding your purchases in case your partner finds out?
  • Do you find yourself feeling depressed, hopeless, sad or ashamed about your sprees?
  • Do you find yourself shopping when you are upset or reward yourself with a spend when you do something good?
  • Do you shop in SECRET and HIDE what you have bought?
  • Do you have many items unused and still with tags on?
  • Are you becoming seriously affected financially as a result of your habit?

If any of the above symptoms are familiar to you, you may be a shopping addict.

  1. We identify the underlying cause to your shopping addiction
  2. I use hypnotherapy to release the cause and modify the ‘triggers’
  3. I help to program your mind with hypnosis to help you overcome your shopping addiction and cope with any cravings
  4. You receive tailored coaching support between sessions

What you will receive:

  • a complementary audio to help re-programme your mind to overcome your addiction
  • SOS text support
  • a confidential email support service

Book your FREE strategy session to get started