Axeing AddictionsAxeing Addictions

Porn Addiction

porn_iconPorn addiction is a complex area as many people don’t think about their porn use as being a problem until they start experiencing the physical symptoms of overuse. They then try to stop and find that they can’t. Many people also find that it impacts into their relationships by creating issues with their partner. Repeated exposure to pornography means that the user becomes desensitized to sexual experiences and ‘harder’ sites are needed to create the same ‘buzz’.


Symptoms of Porn Addiction

  • Do you watch VIOLENT OR EXTREME pornography?
  • Do you find yourself unable to get aroused without using porn?
  • is your porn habit affecting your relationship?
  • Do you use porn throughout the day including whilst at work?
  • Do you look at your colleagues or acquaintances as sex objects and find it hard to relate to them as people?

If any of the above symptoms are familiar to you,
you may be a porn addict.

  1. We identify the underlying cause to your porn addiction
  2. I use hypnotherapy to release the cause and modify the ‘triggers’
  3. I help to program your mind with hypnosis to help you overcome your porn addiction and cope with any cravings
  4. You receive tailored coaching support between sessions

What you will receive:

  • a complementary audio to help re-programme your mind to overcome your addiction
  • SOS text support
  • a confidential email support service

Book your FREE consultation today to get started