Axeing AddictionsAxeing Addictions

Alcohol Addiction

alcohol_iconAlcohol Addiction is a lot more common than widely realised. With alcohol being so freely available and an accepted part of our culture, this means that drinking can become an important, or sometimes the most important, factor for someone who is alcohol dependant, and they feel they’re unable to function without it.

You might think that if you were ‘dependent’ on alcohol, you’d be stumbling around drunk every day, right? Not necessarily. There are varying degrees of alcohol dependence and they don’t always involve excessive levels of drinking. If you find that you ‘need’ to share a bottle of wine with your partner most nights of the week, or always go for a few pints after work, just to unwind, you’re likely to be drinking at a level that could affect your long-term health.


Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction

  • Do you have to have a glass of wine or beer daily to ‘unwind’ or ‘relax’?
  • Do you often feel sluggish the next morning as a result of your habit?
  • Is your alcohol habit causing you to gain weight by making you eat junk in the evenings?
  • Are you drinking more than the recommended daily units for men (3-4 units – equivalent to 1.5 pints of lager) or women (2-3 units – 1 glass of wine?)
  • When you drink do you always finish that wine bottle ‘in case it goes to waste’?
  • Is your health suffering as a result of your drinking habit?
  • Have you suffered from memory loss as a result of your drinking?
  • Do you drink fast and notice it takes a lot of alcohol to feel the effects?

If any of the above symptoms are familiar to you, your habit needs to change.

  1. We identify the underlying cause to your alcohol dependancy
  2. I use hypnotherapy to release the cause and modify the ‘triggers’
  3. I help to program your mind with hypnosis to help you overcome your alcohol addiction and cope with any cravings
  4. You receive tailored coaching support between sessions

What you will receive:

  • a complementary audio to help re-programme your mind to overcome your addiction
  • SOS text support
  • a confidential email support service

Book your FREE strategy session to get started