Axeing AddictionsAxeing Addictions

Addictions Treated

Addictions come in many forms but what is often very common is that users experience cycles of ‘addictive behaviour’ where over time, the addiction changes and one compulsive habit is replaced by another. In order to end this cycle, we need to reduce the cravings caused by these addictions and the underlying ‘need’ for the ‘high’ that the addiction is fulfilling is identified in order to combat these addictive cycle of behaviour for good.


Food and Sugar Addiction

Food addiction is the uncontrollable craving for excess food that follows the ingestion of refined carbohydrates, primarily sugar and flour substances that are quickly metabolized and turned into sugar in the bloodstream.


Sex Addiction

Sex addiction is an uncontrollable compulsion to seek out sexual relief. This can be in the form of an unusually high libido, seeking out multiple partners or even just excessive masturbation.


Porn Addiction

Porn addiction is a complex area as many people don’t think about their porn use as being a problem until they start experiencing the physical symptoms of overuse. They then try to stop and find that they can’t.


Gambling Addiction

Gambling and shopping addiction is a type of impulse-control disorder. Compulsive gamblers can’t control the impulse to gamble, even when they know their habit is hurting themselves or their loved ones.


Shopping Addiction

Shopping Addiction is the compulsive desire to shop, more commonly referred to as compulsive shopping or shopaholism.



Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol Addiction is a lot more common than widely realised. With alcohol being so freely available and an accepted part of our culture, this means that drinking can become an important factor for someone who is alcohol dependant, and they feel they’re unable to function without it..


Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction often creeps up on users who start using the drug recreationally which over time becomes heavy. Addiction occurs when the habit becomes compulsive and users often engage in a cycle of using and relapse until help can be sought to break the cycle and stop for good..


Gaming and Smartphone Addiction

Video Game and Smartphone Addiction is an excessive or compulsive use of technology, computer or video games, which interferes with a person’s everyday life.


Smoking Addiction

Smoking addiction is actually the dependance on the drug nicotine which when we stop smoking creates two different types of cravings as a result of the withdrawal.


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