Axeing AddictionsAxeing Addictions

Gaming and Smartphone Addiction

gaming_iconVideo Game Addiction is an excessive or compulsive use of computer games or video games, which interferes with a person’s everyday life. Online game addiction has a negative image and is becoming a public concern.

Many people categorize addiction with either alcohol or drugs, but addiction can play also a part in a person’s behavior. When one is addicted they need more of a substance or behavior to keep them satisfied. If a person does not get more of the substance or behavior they may become miserable or irritable. Video game addiction may present itself as compulsive game-playing; social isolation, mood swings, lack of imagination and hyper-focus on in-game achievements, to the exclusion of other events in life


Symptoms of Gaming and Smartphone Addiction

  • Do you think you cannot control your level of gaming?
  • Have you tried to reduce screen time without success?
  • Is your health suffering as a result of your gaming habit? (lack of good food and exercise)
  • Do you find yourself feeling depressed, hopeless, sad or ashamed about your virtual life?
  • Are your relationships in real life suffering as a result of your online life?
  • Do you easily lose track of time when you become absorbed into your virtual world?
  • Do you avoid social interactions because feel uncomfortable interacting with people in real life?
  • Are you becoming increasingly isolated as a result of your habit?

If any of the above symptoms are familiar to you, you may be a gaming addict.

How I will help you resolve your gaming and smartphone addiction

  1. We identify the underlying cause to your gaming addiction
  2. I use hypnotherapy to release the cause and modify the ‘triggers’
  3. I help to program your mind with hypnosis to help you overcome your gaming addiction and cope with any cravings
  4. You receive tailored coaching support between sessions

What you will receive:

  • a complementary audio to help re-programme your mind to overcome your addiction
  • SOS text support
  • a confidential email support service

Book your FREE strategy session to get started