WHO? Surround yourself with people that bring out the best in you. Check, how do you FEEL around certain people? Do they make you feel; relaxed? anxious? Invisible, Loved? With relationships, it is not always about what others think best for you, but what FEELS right for you. After all, only you are the expert on you!
EMPOWER! Allowing others to run your life for you and make YOUR choices by doing what others think, is a sure fire way to allow depressed thinking into your life. People pleasers are the No.1 personality type found in a therapy chair.
HOW? Realising that any changes you make have the power to influence YOUR feelings! Even the most trivial change (such as wearing the clothes that YOU enjoy), creates a positive feeling which in turn, creates happier actions.
DO! Depressed people tend to isolate themselves from the things they used to enjoy, and instead get bogged down in drudgery. When we take the time out to check in with the things we enjoy most, not only does it lower stress levels, but it taps into our human need to challenge and develop ourselves (which helps prevents addictions from taking root).
LAUGH! Laughter is the best instant way to feel better. Biologically, even faking it produces the same results. However, I prefer to associate with like-minded people that radiate warmth and promote love!
Lastly… stay away from those drains and hang out with the radiators!